Thursday, March 09, 2006

Love or whatever it means

I do whatever I have to do in order to keep myself out of my homework. That’s a fact that I just have to accept and be happy with.

Now, instead of writing about why early intervention should be expanded I am writing about love, which I don’t think it would help me to find a good job in autumn when the time comes. But it would help me to keep my soul warm, jaja (ironic jaja of course)

I’ve been doing alright (in terms of love/relationship). But I wonder how longer am I going to resist? Thanks God i have my big meeting in 10 days. I just have to hang on in there, after all that’s what love is about: happiness, and pink sweet roads sometimes, but it’s also about commitment, sacrifice and patience other times; hopefully not most of the times.

I have to keep working on my paper. I was feeling alright but now I feel kind of down, it’s all because of the “25/bunch of insignificant eggs crises” that I am going through.

It was definitely fun tonight (thanks Wlad for being born). I just hope I can finish this damn paper so I can stop thinking of it and start working on my finals (both on Monday). Or... thinking a little bit more about love ;-) or whatever it means :-/


At 1:47 AM, Blogger Silvana said...

my dear vero, i definitely think you should include some thoughts about love in your paper. after all, it is kind of an early intervention, don't you think? see, that's the good thing about studying otherwise "useless" subjects as i do: i can write my papers about love poems and don't even have to feel bad about it! why don't you just start learning latin, too?
anyway, what is all this egg-crisis that is going on? am i supposed to join you girls with that? let me think about it over night...
sleep tight...and dream of the nice rivers of babylon, yeah, yeah. hugs, silvana.

At 2:04 AM, Blogger F. said...

Sweet Vero: I think that you might get more satisfaction out of the love thoughts than the early intervention ones. Keep your priorities straight! I don't understand your point about the insignificant eggs, afterall you have at least (12*5) 60 left to use up. Or am I bringing you down with the last egg? Keep your chin up honey, and we will see each other in a few hours. Then you can let me know what's with those eggs.

sweet dreams.... frances

At 3:22 AM, Blogger Cainista said...

Algo atrasado... Feliz día!

El amor.. esa carcel de oro, que cuando estamos en ella no queremos ser libres.

Un beso desde Chile.
[Hijo de Caín]

At 8:16 AM, Blogger bostezo said...

I think I am just giving support to Frances. If she is having a crisis because of her last egg, I think I can have my own crisis because I have 60 (is not that many, anyway) and I got tired of blaming my age for my crisis. So now anything I want would fall into my "crisis zone". Even you guys, you made go to that crazy party and now I am way behind my paper. The party was a lot of fun, though.

At 6:21 AM, Blogger Chancletika said...

Veronica: No estoy muy segura si comprendi correctamente el significado de lo escribiste. Pero de acuerdo a lo que interprete me atrevo a decirte que esos momentos de crisis fortalecen tu caracter y espiritu. Esos momentos cuando cuestionas tu vida o las situaciones que actualmente enfrentas son evidencia que eres una mujer competitiva, una mujer que se niega a la seguridad que da una vida tranquila, una mujer que necesita nuevos desafios y nuevos retos para sentirse completa y satisfecha... Ten paciencia, tu misma lo dijiste y no permitas que esos momentos desequilibren tus emociones y tu animo. Solo piensa en la crisis como una oportunidad para aprender mas de ti misma y para descubrir que eres capaz de hacer cosas que jamas creias. No me extiendo mas. Te mando un abrazo.

At 1:59 PM, Blogger bostezo said...

Que bonitas palabras Andrea. ¡Muchas gracias!
¡¡¡Y felicidades por su compromiso!!!

At 12:55 AM, Blogger Mr G said...

Por ahí leí alguna vez que los caracteres chinos que se utilizan para escribir la palabra crisis (en chino, por supuesto) son los de "oportunidad" y "cambio"... Interesante, ¿no?

On the other hand, LOVE is too good a thing to stop thinking about it, anyway.


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